Our Journey

I started this blog because I wanted a place to share our training sessions and accomplishments with our Weimaraner Crash. Starting out, we will be doing the tasks found in the book 'Clicking With Your Dog'. We will also be using the starmark clicker and the 'Click For Joy' book. You can see them in the side bar on our page and check them out by clicking on them. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting back

So I was actually sick for a while, still getting over it but at least getting my voice and such back. Today I got back to Crash's training, unfortunately I didn't grab my camera to video tape it.

Today we worked on Targeting where we used the Premier Click Stick Dog Trainer - Purple. This is a handle with a built in clicker that you use for a target. The target extends and is an excellent tool to have. Crash hasn't done target training for a long time now so it was a re-fresher for him. He did excellent.

Our next session with Crash, I worked with him on the cue 'Get It', so he'll get a toy on command. Then I worked on him retrieving it, which he'll do when we are playing but if there are treats around he tends to ignore the toy. So we worked on him doing what I want first before being rewarded. I worked on him dropping the toy in my hand. Next I worked on the cue 'Pull'. He caught on to everything very quickly. All of this will eventually form into putting laundry into a laundry basket, then pulling the basket to the washer.

That's what we worked on today, hopefully next time we'll have some video to show.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I had planned to do something in this blog every day but I have been sick since I started it. I can't wait to get started with Crash and teaching him more tricks, but till I am feeling better, it is a little limited to what we can do. I will try an get something new up soon!

Friday, February 11, 2011


I thought I'd start out this blog with an introduction and such. Crash is our 3 year old Weimaraner, he will be 4 in March. On some pages of his I've said he is 4 already, but technically he will be in March. I have a page all about Crash already set up, pics included if you look over to the sidebar on the right. You will see 'Other Links' and a 'More about me' along with a 'More about Crash' link. These will take you to our pages over on Squidoo. Feel free to take a look!

Crash is already trained in obedience, though we are working towards competition level obedience, and he already knows some tricks. He is also training for Agility. This blog is mostly going to be about him learning tricks, especially useful type tricks. Our inspiration and motivation are these two:

Jesse is an amazing dog and she has done excellent work with him! We will be trying to video tape most of our lessons when ever possible and have plenty of pics to post up. I have to warn you though, my camera isn't taking the best quality pictures right now. Hopefully at some point I can get a better camera.

Crash actually decided he wanted to start today and he did learn a new trick. Luckily I also grabbed my camera! Casey, my husband, has been saying he thinks it's really cute when Crash rolls over and wiggles around on his back. Today he happened to do it so I captured it and rewarded him for it. That was also when I grabbed the camera and got it on cue. He learned this trick very fast, all training was done on video, nothing was done when camera was off. No breaks were taken either, I just wanted to have breaks in the video for easier editing... which I ended up not needing to do.

In store next is hopefully teaching Crash to pull a basket, or to put things into the basket. We'll see!